Threat Intelligence Guides
Identifying Qakbot Servers with Regex and TLS Certificates
Catching 83 Qakbot Servers using Regular Expressions.
Threat Intelligence Guides
Catching 83 Qakbot Servers using Regular Expressions.
Threat Intelligence Guides
Creating Regex Signatures on TLS Certificates with Censys.
Threat Intelligence Guides
Refining Queries and Identifying Suspicious servers using Censys.
Threat Intelligence Guides
More interesting and practical queries for identifying malware infrastructure.
Threat Intelligence Guides
Identifying Malware infrastructure by combining weak pivot points.
Threat Intelligence Guides
Identifying Simple pivot points in RisePro Stealer Infrastructure using Censys.
Threat Intelligence Guides
Threat Intelligence Queries with Censys.
Threat Intelligence Guides
An informal page for storing Censys/Shodan queries
Threat Intelligence Guides
Identification of Laplas infrastructure with Shodan and Censys.